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TVP 2015/2

9. 12. 2018

Obsah - Content

Michaela Krechovská - Editorial15_2.jpg


Michaela Krechovská

Financial Literacy as a Path to Sustainability

Zdeněk Hruška, Lilia Dvořáková

Development Milestones and Tendencies of Banking in the Czech Lands

Marián Tóth, Drahoslav Lančarič, Radovan Savov

Impact of Education on the Financial Literacy: a Case of Slovakia

Podnikatelství / Entrepreneurship

Petra Taušl_Procházková

Various Perspectives of Entrepreneurship Education Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurship Support   

Bedő Zsolt, Csapi Vivien, Posza Alexandra

The Road to Entrepreneurship among Hungarian University Citizens  


Matthias Reich, Csilla Czeglédi, Jürgen Fonger

Expectations of Employees on the Effects of the Workplace Health Management as a Part of an internal Diversity Management - an explorative study

Elektronické podnikání / E-Business

Jan Petrtyl, Ludvík Eger

A Comparison of ICT use (E-business tools) in Companies of selected Countries 


Dirk Beyer

Review of the conference proceedings “Opportunities and Threats to Current Business Management in Cross-border Comparison 2015” (University of West Bohemia, Pilsen)

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